We want to make visiting Lowry as easy and comfortable as we can for visitors with disabilities, and joining our Access Register will help us deliver the best possible experience for you.
Registering will also allow you to book Captioned, BSL, Relaxed and Audio Described (and Touch Tours) performances online.
If you need someone to accompany you, joining the Register will enable you to book a free Essential Companion(s) ticket for theatre shows at no extra charge. Please note up to 2 Essential Companions tickets are available per customer.
Registering will also help us to process your bookings quickly and easily: you only need to provide details of your requirements once, rather than every time you book. You can also let us know if you would like to receive updates by email or post.
This application can be made by either the person with a disability or by the Essential Companion if they will be booking tickets on behalf of the person with a disability. If you are a Essential Companion who cares for more than one individual, you will need to apply separately for each person that you assist.
How to register
This application form has 4 sections
Do you require a complimentary Essential Companion(s) ticket?
YES – complete sections A, B, C and D
NO – complete sections A, B and D
This application can be made by either the disabled person or by the Essential Companion if they will be booking tickets on behalf of the disabled person. If you are a Essential Companion who cares for more than one individual, you will need to apply separately for each person that you assist.
Is there a membership card?
No – you will not receive, nor will you need to show a membership card. Once registered, your details will be held on your customer record so you need only give us your name and postcode when booking.
Can I still access disabled concessions without registering?
Yes – although registering will making booking quicker and easier and allow us to remember your details for next time. You will need to register if you require a Essential Companions ticket.
I need a Essential Companion(s) to accompany me but don’t have any of the supporting evidence listed on the form.
Please tell us about your circumstances on the application form. Applications will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
What if my requirements change?
Please contact us on 0161 876 2183 or email access@thelowry.com
How long will it take to be registered?
Our Access team work Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. We will endeavour to update you on the status of your application within 2 working days after the date of submission.
Terms & Conditions
We retain the right to review, amend or withdraw the Access Register and revoke Access registration if the customer’s eligibility changes.
We will require proof of eligibility for complementary Essential Companions tickets, and further details can be found on the registration form. Customers who intentionally give false information will have their registration revoked.
Complimentary Essential Companions tickets are available at The Lowry’s discretion to those who need assistance to move safely around the venue. Anyone designated as a Essential Companion(s) must be able to assist the person they are attending with, with both their access requirements whilst in the building, and to leave the building in an emergency.
While we will always do our best to seat you in the most appropriate area for your requirements, we cannot always guarantee that ideal seats and / or wheelchair spaces will be available, especially at short notice. We would recommend booking as far in advance as possible.
By joining the Access Membership Scheme and purchasing a disabled concession or Essential Companion ticket(s) you agree that the ticket(s) will only be used by a disabled person and their companion.
An application to join the Access Register can be made either by the disabled person or by a Essential Companion if they will be booking tickets on behalf of the disabled person. If you are a Essential Companion who cares for more than one individual, you will need to apply separately for each person that you assist.
Our standard terms and conditions of sale apply to all bookings.
1. Do you agree to the Terms and Conditions? (required)
Section C: Essential Companions
If you do not require a Essential Companion ticket(s), please skip to Section D
9. Proof of eligibility required for a free Essential Companion ticket(s)
A photocopy or scan of one of the following documents (dated within the past 12 months if DLA, Attendance Allowance or PIP) makes your Essential Companion(s) eligible for a free ticket when available. You will be able to upload the document in Question 11.
Please tick the box next to the evidence you are submitting:
10. Sending alternative evidence
The Lowry recognises that the evidence listed above is not definitive. If you do not have any of the above evidence and require a Essential Companion(s) to attend the venue with you, please use the space below to tell us why.
You are welcome to upload copies of any additional evidence that supports your application if you have any, or contact us to discuss your application. Your application will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
If you wish to submit any additional evidence to support your statement, please list it in the space below and upload it in Question 11.
11. Upload proof of eligibility or alternative evidence
Please feel free to black out any information that relates to the amount of benefits paid or health conditions that might be on documents submitted that you do not wish us to see. You may be entitled to concession rate tickets for certain shows (e.g. Over 60s, registered unwaged, student etc) these are subject to status and availability. Please note only PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF files are supported. Please include your full name in the file name.
Tick this box to continue to Section D.